Introducing the new Editor for Portable Text

Written by Even Westvang

Central to Sanity is the ability to work with content with all the advantages of treating it as data. Non-obviously perhaps, that makes us pretty obsessed with text. We are typing words into Sanity everyday when we're writing blog posts, documentation, and developing new features.

Treating text as data is super hard. For authors, it needs to look like a modern text editor. This while developers design flexible schemas that combine text with embedded objects and where the end result is data that you can subject to queries and joins.

In our latest release, we ship a new editor for Portable Text. On the surface it may not seem that much has happened, but much work has happened on its underpinnings and machinery. We're super proud of our team that has spent hours developing, testing, finding edge cases (oh, the edge cases!), and obsessing over details.

Run this line in your command line to upgrade and get the new editor in your Sanity project:

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