GROQ Developer Update: New Versioning Scheme and Functions

Written by Matt Craig

Every day, Sanity executes on average 450 million GROQ queries from the Content Lake. Developers who try it tell us it’s become their preferred way to integrate content into their frontend apps. As one developer recently said on Twitter: “I don't want loads of cms-data-wrangling logic in my frontend or on my server. GROQ lets me shape the response via the query.”

At Sanity, we believe content should be treated as data. GROQ is an example of this. It lets you query any collection of JSON documents and filter them down to exactly what you need by their properties and value. And it lets you reshape and reform that data, using projections and functions. You can think of it as SQL, but for JSON documents. This saves you time, and it opens up opportunities for using your content in creative ways you didn’t anticipate at the start of your project. To learn more about GROQ and our rationale for its invention, check out this companion post.

Today, we’re reaffirming our commitment to supporting the open-source GROQ language specification for Sanity and other apps that implement it by formalizing a versioning scheme. Developers can now more confidently rely on support for the language and associated tooling as a critical aspect of Sanity.

We’re also introducing several new GROQ functions for arrays, strings, and mathematical expressions. All of these new functions are a direct result of developer feedback, and we look forward to seeing how you’ll use them.

Versioning the GROQ specification

Since GROQ is open source, we don’t want to tie its versioning to any Sanity-specific tooling. We also have a philosophy of having APIs that don’t break. We use semantic versioning for some of our tools, like groq-js, and date-based versioning for others, like the Content Lake API, and want to avoid confusion here.

In considering how we version the GROQ language specification, we’ve taken inspiration from other well-known language specs, like HTML and SQL. These languages use major version numbers to demarcate significant changes in functionality. We also want to be able to point to specific releases that introduce incremental changes; we’ve chosen to use revisions for this purpose.

We settled on the following format:

GROQ-<major version #>.revision<#>

The current version of the specification is GROQ-1.revision1. This version does not include any breaking changes.

Further non-breaking improvements will increment the revision number, whereas breaking changes will increment the major version number. Non-breaking changes are usually those that introduce new functionality, without major changes to syntax on existing functions. The revision number resets when the major version is incremented.

Adding new functions, like the ones described below, results in non-breaking changes since existing functionality isn’t impacted.

For example, the next release with a non-breaking change will be versioned GROQ-1.revision2.

The next release that introduces a breaking change will be versioned GROQ-2.revision0. Breaking changes will rarely be introduced, and only in the case of vital syntax changes that improve the experience of GROQ for all existing developers.

For example, if you construct a query requesting a field that doesn’t exist in a document or an array, GROQ currently returns null. This is behavior GROQ users might rely on. Changing this, so the field isn’t returned at all would be considered a breaking change, but one that could provide a cleaner user experience. Especially with JavaScript projects, since explicit null values bypass default parameters for undefined values.

New GROQ functions

With this release we have the pleasure of introducing new GROQ functions based on community feedback. There are three new namespaces for functions added to the specification, which have been implemented across all GROQ tooling. These are:

Here’s a detailed overview of the functions. You can read our documentation for more in-depth details:

Array Functions

array::compact(<array>) - removes all null values from an array

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